Past Events

 On Saturday 25th May we  invited Arnsiders to pop in to our coffee morning 10-12.00, at the Educational Institute to talk to us about your family links with Arnside.

The purpose of the coffee morning was to gather information in preparation for our major exhibition in October “The people who made Arnside” . There was a small pop-up exhibition. Entry £2 including coffee and biscuits. All welcome. 


The Lancaster University Regional Heritage Centre held its first-ever Local History Fair at the Friends Meeting House on Meeting House Lane in Lancaster on Saturday 2 December from 10.00 to 3.00pm. 2023

This was a great opportunity to explore the many history and heritage organisations active around the Lancaster area and in the greater North West. This event was organised by the Regional Heritage Centre (Lancaster University History Department) as part of its landmark 50th anniversary celebrations and was free to the general public. Arnside Archive Group was represented at this event and as a result has joined the Cumbria Local History Federation. More information can be found here




On November 18th the latest Crossfield conference was held in Arnside EI. 
   The Crossfields were renowned boat builders operating from Arnside in the 19th and 20th centuries. Reactions to the event and information about the Crossfield family past and present can be found on their facebook group 



Our autumn exhibition in 2023 celebrated the 150th Anniversary of the founding of the Arnside Education Institute. 

Educating Arnside
place on Saturday October 7th. 2023 10am - 4pm

further details are here 


A talk about the Hincaster railway took place at the Athenaeum village hall, Leasgill on Thursday March 9th 2023, presented by Bridget Pickthall.  
Large parts of the former railway linking the West Coast Main Line at Hincaster to the Furness railway at Arnside have been turned into a bridleway and footpath by the Hincaster Trailway Group. The group recently collected audio interviews with people who used or worked on the line when it carried coke to the west Cumbria steelworks and also carried passengers on the “Kendal Tommy” from Arnside to Grange. The line was even once used by the royal train to allow the Queen somewhere quiet and secluded to sleep overnight. More information about the railway can be found here: 


The archive group held our AGM on March 1st 2023 at the EI.  

You can read the chair's annual report for 2022-3 here

On Saturday November 12th 2022 10am - 4pm at the Arnside EI we held an exhibition tracing the development of the village through its homes, buildings and businesses.  More details here



 [click here for poster]

 A talk by Dr. Stephen Caunce








 A short AGM will precede this talk.THIS IS A FREE EVENT. Places are limited so if you would like to attend please book your place by emailing:  

Please let us know immediately if you later find that you’re unable to attend, so that we can reallocate your place to someone waiting.

Thank you!

Stephen is a historian and author with particular interest in rural and industrial history. A former University Lecturer and resident of Arnside, he has published a range of books on oral history and the North of England.





The Archive is open every week in the Arnside Educational Institute  We have to respect health and safety rules so only a limited number of people  can be in the Margaret Matheson Room at one time. You can book a visit (Weds 10-12 or Thurs 2-4) by calling Vivien Mautner on 01524 761615 or by emailing

  We look forward to seeing you!



 Current and Recent Exhibitions

Arnside Educational Institute 2022 AGM was held on Sat April 2nd at 2pm. It was followed by talk by Alasdair Simpson, Arnside Sailing Club, on the latest news on Crossfield Severn. 



We have called in the completed diaries - a big thank you to all those who have

taken part in this project.  We hope the archive will be available again at the beginning of September when the EI reopens. Until then, we will try and answer any queries through our email  and will get back in touch with those who have asked to visit the archive when it reopens.


 For anyone interested in recording their experience of the recent lockdown the national Mass Observation archive is inviting you to write a one day diary on Tuesday May 12th. Details are here....

  The archive is closed until further notice due to concerns over the Coronavirus.  However, we are are inviting residents of Arnside to keep diaries of this extraordinary and challenging time. If you would like to take part in this project, please take a look at the details at this link:

Corona Diaries - Making History Together


The second Crossfield Arnside Conference 2020, which was to be held last month has been postponed to Saturday 24th October Please see the link below for further details and booking

The conference will build on the success of the first one held in 2019. OGA members are warmly invited to attend and hear more about the boats built by Crossfields of Arnside who were leading builders of gaff rigged yachts and Morecambe Bay Prawners (also known as Nobbies). They were active from the 1840s to 1940s. A number of different boats will be discussed including the 'Sir William Priestley' 1934, the Morecambe Fishermen’s Lifeboat. The event will be chaired by Eric Crossfield, great grandson of William Crossfield, who set up the boatyard on the shore at Arnside in the 1890s. Further details and a booking form can be found here  


Our next exhibition will be organised to coincide with the Education Institute's AGM on March 14th 2020 and will celebrate the life and work of the EI's major benefactor, Joyce Nicholson. POSTPONED until further notice 



Mary Hamilton and  Alasdair Simpson  gave a  talk about the Crossfield Family and the Severn boat to Grange-over-Sands Probus  on Febuary 10th. The slide presentation can be viewed here  

They gave a similar talk to the Levens Local History Society on Thursday February 20th -details are here



"Stay and Spend, Retail and Relax"

Download the poster here


Our winter exhibition took place on Saturday November 16th. 10am-3pm in the Arnside Educational Institute and explored the History of Shops and Hotels in Arnside.

70 people visited the exhibition and many contributed their memories of earlier businesses.

Exhibition materials will soon be on this website.

Please contact us if you have any information relevant to this theme. 





The archive group contributed to two events taking place on Saturday September 14th: Vintage on the Prom and the Landscape Trust weekend event An Extraordinary Place.

We also had a stall at the Arnside Wellbeing Day on 12th October.


Ziska – from Arnside to Alaska

Sun 25 & Mon 26 August

 Arnside Sailing Club are holding an exhibition in their Clubhouse on the Promenade on the history of Ziska a yacht built in Arnside in 1903 which took part in the Race2Alaska in June 2019.You can read more about Ziska and the race on her facebook site.......................


Our summer exhibition "Are we nearly there yet?" was held on15th June at the Arnside Educational Institute. It focussed on Arnside’s transport during the decades illustrating the changes in transportation within the village over the years. The exhibition also coincided with the 100th anniversary of the Ribble Bus Company who served Arnside for over 40 years. and there was a vintage Ribble bus on the Prom for visitors to view as well as artefacts from the famous “red bus” company at the exhibition.

  A related talk Any More Fares Please? by Bill Robinson was organised by Mourholme Local History Society on the 24th April  in Yealand Village Hall. This looked at the development of rural bus services in our corner of the North West after the First World War, from the early pioneers to the eventual monopoly of Ribble Motor Services. The talk included a short film, made by Ribble in the early 1960s to encourage Lancashire County Council to complete the Preston and Lancaster by-passes.



The archive group's AGM took place on April 17th 2019.

See the chair's report here


The Maritime Heritage Interpretation Board is now installed on the prom near Ashmeadow House!!

The board was made possible by a grant from the AONB. It was designed by Vivien Mautner, and printed and assembled by Mike Ormerod.


Crossfields of Arnside and their Boats Conference PDF CLICK HERE

Saturday 16th  March 2019 at 10:30am 

 Arnside Educational Institute, Church Hill, Arnside LA5 0DF 


Arnside's World War One Nov 10th 2018


  Arnsides Maritime Heritage July 14-15th 2018

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