
Mailing Address: Arnside Educational Institute, Church Hill Arnside, Carnforth, Lancashire LA5 0DF

The Committee: 

President:  Norma Platts

Chair:  Janet Hargreaves

Treasurer: Vivien Mautner

Secretary: Linda Lymphany

Publicity: Sandy Felton

Web manager: Mary Hamilton

Committee members: Drina Capeling, Barbara and John Davies, Julie Pierce-Jones, Judith Pratt, Edgar Shepherd, Judith Whitmarsh.



Arnside is fortunate to have an extensive collection of photographs and documents relating to its history. This collection was bequeathed to the Arnside Educational Institute for the community by Dennis Bradbury in 2012. Click here to read about the archive in Dennis's own words. Click here to read about the inauguration of the archive.

Other people have now added their own collections to the archive and members of the Arnside Archive Group are creating an online catalogue to make the archive available for research into the history of the village. The Arnside Educational Institute have made a storage room available and the public library is also located in the EI, so an excellent combination of documents, books electronic resources and expertise has been created. Searches can be conducted by arrangement.

Topics which the archive has identified within its current research resources include the growth of the village, its buildings, schools, transportation, religion shops and shopping, tourism and holidays in Arnside.

We also hold the  Barry Ayres collection. 
Barry was an amateur local historian, editor of the AONB magazine Keer to Kent, a Silverdale and latterly an Arnside resident. The index to his papers can be accessed from the Mourholme Local History Society website here. 





Dennis was also central to starting the Arnside Local History Society in 2003. He gave at least one lecture a year, based on his collection and these always drew a large, appreciative audience. This society has now merged with the archive and lectures on local history will still be given from time to time. The first two covered the social history of the railway station and an investigation of the establishment of Arnside as a parish. 

Publications drawing on these talks and material in the archive have appeared in Keer to Kent magazine and we hope to publish leaflets and booklets in the near future. 

New members are always welcome and we need a wide variety of skills to make the most of our materials, including IT skills, interviewing, storage and cataloguing, graphic design and display, developing publications and helping to host archive events.

The Archive is also keen to build up its collections of material directly relating to the village and its inhabitants.

The archive Committee meets monthly at the EI



A page from Crossfields Grocery Order book
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